München 2 Turnschuhe
München 2 Turnschuhe
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Eine frische Interpretation dieser klassischen Sneaker-Silhouette mit dem Schwerpunkt auf der Verwendung natürlicher, nachhaltiger Materialien.
Das Obermaterial besteht aus genähten Paneelen aus spanischem veganem Leder und einem speziell angefertigten Tencel™-Gewebe, das niedrig geschnitten ist, sodass es unterhalb der Knöchel sitzt. Tencel™ wird aus nachhaltig angebautem Holz (FSC®) gewonnen, das aus zertifizierten und kontrollierten Quellen geerntet wird.
Es ist zertifiziert als kompostierbar und biologisch abbaubar unter industriellen, häuslichen, Boden- und Meeresbedingungen und kann vollständig in die Natur zurückkehren. Es entspricht den Kompostierbarkeitsstandards von Din Certco, Vincotte und US BPI.
Die Verwendung von Tencel™ und die Perforationen an den Zehen sorgen dafür, dass diese Sneaker den ganzen Sommer über kühl und atmungsaktiv bleiben. Das Innenfutter besteht aus einer zweifarbigen grauen Tencel™- und Bio-Baumwollmischung. Es fühlt sich sehr weich an und ermöglicht das Tragen von Socken oder ohne Socken. Das Futter lässt die Luft zirkulieren und transportiert Feuchtigkeit ab, so dass Ihre Füße trocken und hygienisch bleiben.
Sie sind vollständig per Hand waschbar oder können mit einem Handtuch (zum Schutz vor der Wäschetrommel) kurz in der Waschmaschine gewaschen werden. Wir verwenden biologisch abbaubare, komprimierte Pappe für die Zehenkappen, Gegenstücke und Einlegesohlen (FSC®), Tencel™-Nähgarn und Polsterung. Ihre Füße ruhen auf biologisch abbaubaren Einlegesohlen aus Holzfasern und Naturlatex. Selbst die Schnürsenkel sind aus einem biologisch abbaubaren Biokunststoff gefertigt.
Die hoch profilierten Laufsohlen (1,5 cm Höhenunterschied: 3,5 cm an der Ferse und 2 cm an der Vorderseite), die in Portugal aus Gummi mit einem Anteil von 70 % recyceltem Gummi hergestellt werden, bieten hervorragende Dämpfung und Traktion.
Abgerundet wird der Schuh durch unser charakteristisches gesticktes WVS-Zugband aus recyceltem Polyester.
- Das Obermaterial besteht aus genähten Paneelen aus spanischem veganem Leder und einem speziell angefertigten Tencel™-Gewebe, das so niedrig geschnitten ist, dass es unter den Knöcheln sitzt.
- Die Verwendung von Tencel™ und die Perforationen an den Zehen sorgen dafür, dass diese Sneaker den ganzen Sommer über kühl und atmungsaktiv bleiben.
- Das Innenfutter besteht aus einer zweifarbigen grauen Tencel™- und Bio-Baumwollmischung. Es fühlt sich sehr weich an und erlaubt Socken oder keine Socken. Das Futter fördert die Luftzirkulation und transportiert Feuchtigkeit ab, damit Ihre Füße trocken und hygienisch bleiben.
- Hochprofilierte Laufsohlen (1,5 cm Höhenunterschied: 3,5 cm an der Ferse und 2 cm an der Vorderseite), die in Portugal aus Gummi mit einem Anteil von 70 % recyceltem Gummi hergestellt werden, bieten hervorragende Dämpfung und Traktion
- Biologisch abbaubare, komprimierte Pappe für Zehenkappe, Sohlen und Einlegesohle (FSC®), Tencel™-Nähfäden und Polsterung. Ihre Füße ruhen auf biologisch abbaubaren Einlegesohlen aus Holzfasern und Naturlatex. Sogar die Spitzen & sind aus biologisch abbaubarem Biokunststoff hergestellt Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator (kostenlose Version)
Ethik & Nachhaltigkeit
Dieses Produkt ist zertifiziert kohlenstoffneutral
Es wird aus den Niederlanden über unsere klimaneutrale Lieferkette in Papier- und Kartonverpackungen zu Ihnen geliefert
Sie können es 365 Tage lang mit unserem papierlosen, klimaneutralen Rückgabeservice kostenlos zurückgeben
Nutzen Sie unseren Rücknahmeservice, wenn dieses Produkt das Ende seiner Lebensdauer erreicht hat
Immer und für immer vegan
Hergestellt in Portugal
Lesen Sie mehr über unsere Ethik und Nachhaltigkeit; Nachhaltigkeit

These shoes looked great when I got them, and still look fairly good after a year, but that's where my positives end. Below are the problems I've had with these shoes:
- BAD FIT - I had to order three different sizes to find one that would fit correctly. Not true to size at all. The ones I landed on still didn't fit very well and slip while I walk in them. If you want them to fit snugly theb you sacrifice your toes rubbing against the front. After a month of owning these I developed plantar fasciitis, which I can't for sure blame these shoes for, but I suspect they didn't help.
- LOW QUALITY - The materials on this shoe leave a lot to be desired. I own a pair of WVS Boots and they're excellent. These, not so much. The insoles that came with the ones I ordered were damaged on arrival, and it took over two months for them to send replacements, and they were very uncomfortable so I had to get custom third party insoles for them. The material on the inside has also worn away after only a year of light use. The base of tge shoes is also wearing away. The ends of the laces have also come apart. They look OK from afar but up close they look pretty rough.
Really disheartened by these shoes as I really support the mission of WVS and have had a good experience with their other products (boots, belts). I would not recommend WVS trainers.
Die Schuhe sind bereits komplett kaputt
These Munich 2s look fantastic, aesthetic and fashionable. I had very high expectations of this brand. However, the quality is poor. I've had them a year now and only worn occasionally and not really walked in them much. Out of the box material beneath the inside soles were showing and looked bad but I let this go thinking its the outside what matters. But not even a few months in, the inside lining started showing wear and then eventually ripped. It's quite bad now
Fitting wise, this isn't a wide fit. But it's not overly narrow. Narrow enough to feel and slightly see it.
The out side remains good, I've no issues with that.
I've not contacted their customer service so cannot comment on that. If I had been early enough to point out the flaws, I have no reason to believe they wouldn't stick to their policy and got me an exchange or refund. I'm just that cba asked guy to go through the hassle of exchanges and refunds. Though I'm now going to have to look for another pair as the ripped lining is extending towards the top / outside and will be seen.
These trainers are my fifth purchase from WVS, as I have been continually impressed by the looks, comfort and quality of their products. However, after only a few months of light wear, the insoles on these trainers have worn on both insoles. I'm still giving four stars as they are otherwise great trainers.
Munich 2 Sneakers
These shoes looked great when I got them, and still look fairly good after a year, but that's where my positives end. Below are the problems I've had with these shoes:
- BAD FIT - I had to order three different sizes to find one that would fit correctly. Not true to size at all. The ones I landed on still didn't fit very well and slip while I walk in them. If you want them to fit snugly theb you sacrifice your toes rubbing against the front. After a month of owning these I developed plantar fasciitis, which I can't for sure blame these shoes for, but I suspect they didn't help.
- LOW QUALITY - The materials on this shoe leave a lot to be desired. I own a pair of WVS Boots and they're excellent. These, not so much. The insoles that came with the ones I ordered were damaged on arrival, and it took over two months for them to send replacements, and they were very uncomfortable so I had to get custom third party insoles for them. The material on the inside has also worn away after only a year of light use. The base of tge shoes is also wearing away. The ends of the laces have also come apart. They look OK from afar but up close they look pretty rough.
Really disheartened by these shoes as I really support the mission of WVS and have had a good experience with their other products (boots, belts). I would not recommend WVS trainers.
Die Schuhe sind bereits komplett kaputt
These Munich 2s look fantastic, aesthetic and fashionable. I had very high expectations of this brand. However, the quality is poor. I've had them a year now and only worn occasionally and not really walked in them much. Out of the box material beneath the inside soles were showing and looked bad but I let this go thinking its the outside what matters. But not even a few months in, the inside lining started showing wear and then eventually ripped. It's quite bad now
Fitting wise, this isn't a wide fit. But it's not overly narrow. Narrow enough to feel and slightly see it.
The out side remains good, I've no issues with that.
I've not contacted their customer service so cannot comment on that. If I had been early enough to point out the flaws, I have no reason to believe they wouldn't stick to their policy and got me an exchange or refund. I'm just that cba asked guy to go through the hassle of exchanges and refunds. Though I'm now going to have to look for another pair as the ripped lining is extending towards the top / outside and will be seen.
These trainers are my fifth purchase from WVS, as I have been continually impressed by the looks, comfort and quality of their products. However, after only a few months of light wear, the insoles on these trainers have worn on both insoles. I'm still giving four stars as they are otherwise great trainers.
Munich 2 Sneakers